Thursday, May 31, 2007


Okay, so I *think* that I changed the settings so that anyone can post now. NO EXCUSES.

Also, most people seem to be able to post, or have in the past, so really I think it's laziness. POST!



nullo said...

lisa, now you have unrestricted them... but people still need a gmail account to comment - the same for posting.

just allow for anonymous comments... it's much easier


lisa said...


Anonymous said...


conor said...

you don't need to have a gmail email account - you can set up a google account using your existing email address. that email address will then be your username.

conor said...

you don't need to have a gmail email account - you can set up a google account using your existing email address. that email address will then be your username.

Lottie said...

yeah, it's not hard guys, come on...