Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Last week in NYC...

Hey all,

Well, I don't think I've given a proper update for a while, and my guilt has finally worn me down.. so here goes:

Well, it’s my last week in New York, since I head up to Toronto next week, to job hunt like mad! I had a couple leads on super waitressing jobs but they seem to have fallen through, so wish me luck! Let's hope I don't end up at the deli serving hot dogs... shudder...

New York has been a lot more fun this spring, living up in Harlem and not being stuck on my own with a bunch of scary Americans! Conor’s friend Cianan was here last week, and so we were out pretty much every night… in the East Village for an open-mike night (some good, some bad, some horrifying…), at our local jazz club, we even managed to see a play that won the Perrier at the festival last August, which was great. It’s my birthday next Tuesday, so my parents are coming into town for the weekend, both to help drive stuff to storage/Toronto and so we’ll celebrate my birthday here too. I’m going to have a going-away dinner on Monday, involving beer and sushi, and then on Tuesday, my birthday, we’ll be going to see “The Moon for the Misbegotten” which has ok reviews but mostly we’re going because Kevin Spacey is performing in it, which is very cool. There are also plans to get up to the top of the Empire State Building to see the sun set….

Conor, as you may know, is staying in nyc until June 15th, and has secured a sub-let in a loft in the part of Brooklyn known as Williamsburg, where all the hipsters live with their angular haircuts and crazy facial hair… so we may see the return of the conference moustache… but in any case I’m sure Conor will have interesting stories!

Anyway, that’s about it for now –I’m pretty bogged down with papers and getting ready to head back to Toronto. Though I recently discovered that it looks like I’ll be able to live in the place we have right now next fall, which is such a relief because at least I’m familiar with it and at least I have a place for the fall! Then hopefully I’ll be moving back to Edinburgh for the spring and the summer and waiting to hear about universities. Oh and guess what! The New School has decided they might credit all my Edinburgh courses to me which would mean that I save a year and a half of course work, which is excellent. It also means that I save a lot of cash as well… so although I don’t know if I’ll stay here for several reasons, this is one reason in favour of staying…

Okay, well I should get back to those papers…

WRITE! I haven’t heard from most of you lately and I don’t want to lose touch!



Lottie said...

Cool, sounds like you've been having a great time... Things here are pretty quiet - Mog and Dave are both away and people seem to have been working a lot (shame on them). I've been invigilating exams (not the most fun job in the world, but easy money at least) and occasionally reading some philosophy :-o.

Good luck with the job hunting and paper writing!

L x

lisa said...

Do only Lottie and Tom read this blog? WRITE, YOU BASTARDS!

Love and kisses,

Lottie said...

All the BEST people read the blog, Lisa. x

nullo said...

ops, then i must read this blog too

P.S. the comments being restricted might be the problem, lisa

lisa said...

I can't figure out how to unrestrict them! Help!